A sentence with depose?

Domanda di: Vitalba Bernardi  |  Ultimo aggiornamento: 29 dicembre 2021
Valutazione: 4.5/5 (2 voti)

The chiefs were deposed and, in the first two cases, replaced with colonial proteges. They appointed titleholders for life and were in turn elected and could be deposed by them. They support the right of subjects to depose as a tyrant any ruler who disregards these presuppositions of his rule.

How do you use depose?

Depose in a Sentence ?
  1. A coalition of countries is trying to depose the island dictator.
  2. Working together the princes hope to depose their father and assume power.
  3. The king sent soldiers to locate the rebels who sought to depose him from his rule.

What does depose a person mean?

The act of questioning a deponent under oath, either a witness or a party to a lawsuit, at a deposition. Such an action is taken during the pre-trial discovery process. Rule 30 and Rule 31 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure govern how to depose a person by oral examination and by written questions, respectively.

What is the noun for depose?

deposition. The removal of someone from office. The act of depositing material, especially by a natural process; the resultant deposit.

What does it mean to depose a ruler?

Definition of 'depose'

If a ruler or political leader is deposed, they are forced to give up their position.

How do you use depose in a sentence?

Trovate 30 domande correlate

What does it mean to depose witnesses?

A deposition is a witness's sworn out-of-court testimony. It is used to gather information as part of the discovery process and, in limited circumstances, may be used at trial. The witness being deposed is called the "deponent."

What are two antonyms for depose?

antonyms for depose
  • allow.
  • obey.
  • promote.
  • upgrade.

Who can depose?

Any party to the case can be deposed during the discovery phase. A party can be either a person or an organization. In the event that the party is an organization, employees or other people with knowledge of the events may be deposed.

Does deposed mean killed?

To remove (a leader) from (high) office, without killing the incumbent. A deposed monarch may go into exile as pretender to the lost throne, hoping to be restored in a subsequent revolution. (law, intransitive) To give evidence or testimony, especially in response to interrogation during a deposition.

How do you spell Despose?

verb (used with object), de·posed, de·pos·ing. to remove from office or position, especially high office: The people deposed the dictator.

Can you refuse to be deposed?

There aren't too many options if you have been subpoenaed to a deposition. If you refuse after being ordered by the court to give a deposition, you would likely be found in contempt of court, leading to dire consequences. On top of that, you would still be forced into the deposition.

How should I dress for a deposition?

In most cases, slacks (black, brown, or khaki) and a long-sleeved dress shirt are the best option for a deposition. Not too casual. Do not wear jeans, shorts, sneakers, sandals, or head wear. Long pants, dress shoes, and a belt or suspenders are top choices.

What is the verb for deposition?

depose. (literally, transitive) To put down; to lay down; to deposit; to lay aside; to put away. (transitive) To remove (a leader) from (high) office, without killing the incumbent.

What is Fibbed mean?

: a trivial or childish lie. fib. verb (1) fibbed; fibbing.

What does to impose mean?

1 : to establish or apply as a charge or penalty The judge imposed a fine. 2 : to force someone to accept or put up with Don't impose your beliefs on me.

What is a deposition in American law?

Out-of-court testimony a witness gives under oath before an officer authorized to administer oaths for use later in the proceeding. Depositions may be taken by: Oral examination, where the witness's answers to the deposing attorney's questions are recorded and often transcribed.

What is purpose of a deposition?

Deposition Basics

The deposition has two purposes: To find out what the witness knows and to preserve that witness' testimony. The intent is to allow the parties to learn all of the facts before the trial, so that no one is surprised once that witness is on the stand.

What is a deposition hearing?

A deposition is a question-and-answer session conducted outside of a courtroom but still under oath. The reason for a deposition is so that an attorney or attorneys can gather information and facts from witnesses they believe will help their client's position in a case, or, hurt their adversary's position.

Can you depose your own witness?

Even if you aren't ready to file a lawsuit now, your attorney can start collecting evidence and depose witnesses who are at high risk of later unavailability even before the complaint is filed. ... But remember that, absent a showing of good cause,[9] you can only depose witnesses once.

What does over turn mean?

1 : to turn over or upside down Waves overturned the boat. 2 : to reverse or cancel something previously decided or ordered The judge overturned the lower court's ruling. overturn. transitive verb. over·​turn.

What is the synonym of disposed?

also sluff (off), throw away, throw out, toss, unload.

What is the opposite of delegating?

If you do not delegate authority, you retain authority. The opposite of delegation in this sense is retention.

What are examples of deposition?

Overview. Deposition refers to the process in which a gas changes directly to a solid without going through the liquid state. For example, when warm moist air inside a house comes into contact with a freezing cold windowpane, water vapor in the air changes to tiny ice crystals.

Can a deposition be done in writing?

Oral Depositions vs Written Depositions

Deposition by written questions is essentially the same as an in-person, oral deposition, only the attorney's questions are written down and approved before the deposed person is required to answer them.

How do you use deposition in a sentence in science?

Geochemistry and petrology of the turbidites suggest deposition in a forearc basin. The process of coastal erosion and deposition further down the coast has been going on for centuries. Some cells have intracytoplasmic lumina with hyaline globules, and there may be hemosiderin deposition.

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