Decorate in a sentence?

Domanda di: Dr. Ludovico Esposito  |  Ultimo aggiornamento: 25 novembre 2021
Valutazione: 4.4/5 (59 voti)

How to use "decorate" in a sentence. Its only monument is its church, which is decorated with valuable frescos. The wooden pulpit is polygonal, and is decorated with a frieze of pierced tracery. The frieze, decorated with medallions and dentils, runs around all sides of the main block except the east (rear).

What is an example of decorate?

Decorate is defined as to change or add something to make it more beautiful, or to give a medal to someone. An example of decorate is painting white walls a blue color. An example of decorate is putting a flower in your hair.

What does it mean to decorate something?

transitive verb. 1 : to add honor to decorated commerce with the splendid virtues of honor and loyalty— Geoffrey Household. 2 : to furnish with something ornamental decorate a room with artwork decorating the Christmas tree.

How do you decorate a term?

Some common synonyms of decorate are adorn, beautify, deck, embellish, garnish, and ornament. While all these words mean "to enhance the appearance of something by adding something unessential," decorate suggests relieving plainness or monotony by adding beauty of color or design.

What are decorations used for?

A decoration is anything used to make something more attractive or festive. If you're having a Valentine's Day party, drape your house in red and pink decorations. Decoration is also a type of honor, like a soldier's medal or stripe.

decorate - pronunciation + Examples in sentences and phrases

Trovate 16 domande correlate

How do you decorate a text?

Text Decoration in Word 2010
  1. Making text bold. We use bold text to give more emphasis on the sentence. ...
  2. Making Text Italic. An italic text appears with a small inclination and we use the italicized text to differentiate it from other text. ...
  3. Underline the Text. ...
  4. Strikethrough the Text.

What does decorative mean in art?

Decorative art, any of those arts that are concerned with the design and decoration of objects that are chiefly prized for their utility, rather than for their purely aesthetic qualities.

How do you say nice decoration?

  1. fancy.
  2. ornamental.
  3. adorning.
  4. cosmetic.
  5. embellishing.
  6. enhancing.
  7. florid.
  8. pretty.

How can I decorate my bedroom?

Learn the main rules to remember when decorating your bedroom.
  1. Choose Subtle Color.
  2. Don't Overlook the Ceiling.
  3. Keep the Bedroom Simple.
  4. Choose the Right Size Furniture.
  5. Have Plenty of Storage.
  6. Include a Private Nook.
  7. Indulge in Luxurious Linens.
  8. Cover the Windows.

What is the noun of decorate?

decoration. The act of adorning, embellishing, or honoring; ornamentation. That which adorns, enriches, or beautifies; something added by way of embellishment; ornament.

What is the suffix of decorate?

The root word is “decorate”. The suffix added is “-ion”. Both the words decorate and decoration are meaningful words.

What is decorative beauty?

Something that is decorative is intended to look pretty or attractive. The curtains are for purely decorative purposes and do not open or close. ... highly decorative iron brackets. Synonyms: ornamental, fancy, pretty, attractive More Synonyms of decorative.

What is an example of a decorative art?

The definition and category of decorative art includes the creation of furniture and accessory furnishings, rugs and carpets, tapestry, embroidery (see, for instance, the Bayeux Tapestry - actually an embroidery), book illustration, floral decorations, ceramic pottery (earthenware, stoneware, porcelain and raku), ...

What is decoration in food?

Food decoration is something we use to decorate a dish. The main difference between garnish and decoration is that decoration is entirely a visual component. Decorations do not add flavour to a dish. In general, they are not for consumption. Decorations are mostly used in baked goods like cakes, cupcakes and cake pops.

How can I decorate my home?

11 DIY Home Decorating Tips
  1. Set The Tone at The Front Door. Alamy. ...
  2. Paint Wall Colors Light and Neutral. Bruce Buck. ...
  3. Living Area: Make Sure Your Sofa Talks to Your Chairs. ...
  4. Let The Sun Shine In Your Kitchen. ...
  5. Hang at Least One Mirror in Every Room. ...
  6. Scale Artwork to Your Wall. ...
  7. Layer Your Lighting. ...
  8. Anchor Rugs Under Furniture Feet.

How do you decorate a wall?

27 Wall Decor Ideas to Refresh Your Space
  1. Go for large-scale art. Max Burkhalter. ...
  2. Curate a gallery wall. Simon Watson. ...
  3. Incorporate an accent wall. In addition to displaying objects on the walls, think about decorating the walls themselves. ...
  4. Showcase a fabric. ...
  5. Hang up mirrors. ...
  6. Paint a mural. ...
  7. Install shelving. ...
  8. Hang plates.

How can I decorate my room myself?

  1. Simple Gallery Wall. Filling a wall with stylish decor doesn't have to be complicated. ...
  2. Rainbow Mobile. Brighten any room, like your kitchen or den, with a colorful mobile made of recycled materials. ...
  3. Washi Tape Wall. ...
  4. Teacup Candles. ...
  5. Hanging Flower Vases. ...
  6. DIY Macrame Decor. ...
  7. Photo Clipboards. ...
  8. Clay Animals.

What is well decorated?

1. (of a room, house, etc) fitted out or decorated with attractive or good quality furniture, carpets, etc. well furnished with tapestries and porcelain.

What is fashion crafts?

Fashion crafts involve a variety of materials, from soft fabrics such as cotton, linen, and wool to sturdier materials such as nylon, canvas, and leather.

What is a decorative paper?

Decor papers are specialty papers used to create quality finishes on wooden materials. Single-color, they are either used as they are or printed with a range of designs. They are used for furniture surfaces, flooring, and paneling. ... Decor papers are made in a wide range of colors and weights.

What is decorative design in fashion?

Decorative design refers to the surface enrichments of structural design. For the purpose of adding a richer quality, any line, colour of materials that has been applied on structural design is called decorative design. Decorative design is drawn by the beginner fashion designer as well as the boutique designers.

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