In prone to definition?

Domanda di: Ing. Quirino Amato  |  Ultimo aggiornamento: 25 dicembre 2021
Valutazione: 4.1/5 (2 voti)

be prone to sth/do sth
likely to show a particular characteristic, usually a negative one, or to be affected by something bad, such as damage or an illness : I've always been prone to headaches. He was prone to depression even as a teenager.

What does it mean if you are prone to something?

adjective. having a natural inclination or tendency to something; disposed; liable: to be prone to anger. having the front or ventral part downward; lying face downward. lying flat; prostrate.

What means go prone?

The word "prone," meaning "naturally inclined to something, apt, liable," has been recorded in English since 1382; the meaning "lying face-down" was first recorded in 1578, but is also referred to as "lying down" or "going prone."

What is the synonym of prone?

Some common synonyms of prone are exposed, liable, open, sensitive, subject, and susceptible. While all these words mean "being by nature or through circumstances likely to experience something adverse," prone stresses natural tendency or propensity to incur something.

What is the opposite of prone to?

Opposite of likely or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something unpleasant or regrettable. disinclined. immune. indisposed. resistant.

? Prone To Meaning, Prone To Examples, Prone To Vocabulary IELTS CAE CPE

Trovate 21 domande correlate

How do you use the word prone?

Prone in a Sentence ?
  1. Jack is prone to be quite talkative after he has consumed several beers.
  2. During allergy season, Cara is prone to having a couple of asthma attacks each day.
  3. College students are prone to homesickness during their first week away from home. ...
  4. Because Jack is clumsy, he is prone to injury.

Can you say more prone?

I have never heard "proner", but according to the "rules" I was taught 50 years ago "proner" should be fine as a comparative. Example 2. She is more prone to mistakes now she is old. She is more prone to be sensible nowadays.

What does peone mean?

a : a person held in compulsory servitude to a master for the working out of an indebtedness. b : drudge, menial.

What is the meaning of prone and vulnerable?

Explanation: Susceptible is same as prone and vulnerable. Which means being in a situation where one is likely to meet with harm. Hope you get it !!!

What does falling prone mean?

1 to descend by the force of gravity from a higher to a lower place.

What is the meaning of the word Proning?

: the act or practice of placing a patient and especially one in respiratory distress in the prone position with the chest and stomach facing downward to increase blood oxygenation During the chaotic days of March and April, emergency room doctors were quick to intubate patients with dangerously low oxygen levels.

Can prone be used as a verb?

The word prone does not exist as a verb, despite its widespread use within hospitals.

What is the best definition of prone '?

1 : having a tendency or inclination : being likely —often used with to prone to forget names His relatives are prone to heart disease. Those batteries are prone to corrosion. a process that's prone to error … a great quarterback prone to the occasional, inevitable mistake.—

What's the meaning of unguarded?

1 : vulnerable to attack : unprotected. 2 : free from guile or wariness : direct, incautious unguarded remarks.

What is prone and cone?

phrase. The pros and cons of something are its advantages and disadvantages, which you consider carefully so that you can make a sensible decision. They sat for hours debating the pros and cons of setting up their own firm. Motherhood has both its pros and cons.

What does Pune mean?

po͝onə A city of west-central India east-southeast of Mumbai. It was a Maratha capital in the 1600s and 1700s and passed to the British in 1817. 10.

What does being pruned mean?

The definition of a prune is a partially dried plum, or is slang for an ill-tempered and unpleasant person. ... An example of a prune is someone who gets angry when told to stop playing in the traffic.

What is the noun form of prone?

proneness. The quality or state of being prone, or of bending downward. The state of lying with the face down. (dated) Descent; declivity.

What does prone to infection mean?

If you are susceptible to something such as infections or earaches, it means you are likely to become sick with these things.

How do you use prone in a sentence?

having a tendency (to); often used in combination.
  • Some plants are very prone to disease.
  • She is prone to colds.
  • I've always been prone to headaches.
  • Working without a break makes you more prone to error.
  • Tired drivers were found to be particularly prone to ignore warning signs.

How do you use error prone in a sentence?

1. Former All Black internationals lambasted the error-prone display, and radio shows were filled with criticism. 2. It is inevitable that all human activity is error-prone.

What is prone example?

Prone is defined as having a tendency towards something, or describes something that is sloped or lying down. ... If you tend to be emotional, this is an example of when you are prone to being emotional. If you are lying facing down on your bed, this is an example of when you are in a prone position.

What is prone position used for?

In prone positioning, patients lie on their abdomen in a monitored setting. Prone positioning is generally used for patients who require a ventilator (breathing machine). Prone positioning may be beneficial for several reasons: (1) In the supine position, the lungs are compressed by the heart and abdominal organs.

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