What does cocolle mean in italian?

Domanda di: Sig.ra Laura Giordano  |  Ultimo aggiornamento: 25 settembre 2021
Valutazione: 4.1/5 (31 voti)

Can you go and get me an ice cream? The verb to cuddle (or to give / have a cuddle) in Italian is coccolare. It can also be expressed by adding the verb fare (to do / to make) in front of the plural le coccole.

What is coccole?

[ feminine, usually plural ] /'kɔkːola/ familiar. cuddle , hug , snuggle. fare le coccole to cuddle. Synonym.

What does Marameo mean in Italian?

[maraˈmɛo] masculine noun. fare marameo a to thumb one's nose at.

What does Menga mean in Italian?

Mangia! As you might know, it's the imperative form of the verb mangiare, to eat, and it means “eat up!” No matter how old you are, Italians (not just nonna, but the entire family) will constantly implore you to eat more of everything if you're having a meal at their house, or with them at a restaurant.

What does butana mean in Italian?

noun. [ feminine ] /pu'tːana/ vulgar. prostitute , whore.

Why do Italians say "boh"?

Trovate 25 domande correlate

What does Minga mean in Aboriginal?

minga (plural minga) (Central Australia, derogatory) A tourist, especially one that comes to climb Uluru.

How do you say hello in Aboriginal?

Some of the most well known Aboriginal words for hello are: Kaya, which means hello in the Noongar language. Palya is a Pintupi language word used as a greeting much in the same way that two friends would say hello in English while Yaama is a Gamilaraay language word for hello used in Northern NSW.

What does Noongar mean in Aboriginal?

The Noongar language is the official language of the Aboriginal People of the south-west area of Western Australia. The word Noongar means 'a person of the south-west of Western Australia', or the name for the original inhabitants of the south-west of Western Australia'.

What does Boodja mean?

Overall there are many common words in Noongar, for example: kaya = hello, moort = family, boodja = country and yongka = kangaroo.

What do aboriginals call Australia?

The nations of Indigenous Australia were, and are, as separate as the nations of Europe or Africa. The Aboriginal English words 'blackfella' and 'whitefella' are used by Indigenous Australian people all over the country — some communities also use 'yellafella' and 'coloured'.

How do you say dog in Aboriginal?

Different words for dog

In Warlpiri, there are two words for dog: jarntu and maliki. There is a difference, Watson says. "Jarntu is kind of like an offended word. So we call them maliki in a pleasant and polite way.

Can I identify as Aboriginal?

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage is voluntary and very personal. You don't need paperwork to identify as an Aboriginal person. However, you may be asked to provide confirmation when applying for Aboriginal-specific jobs, services or programs (for example grants).

Are all Aboriginal Noongar?

The Noongar (/ˈnʊŋɑː/, also spelt Noongah, Nyungar, Nyoongar, Nyoongah, Nyungah, Nyugah, Yunga) are Aboriginal Australian peoples who live in the south-west corner of Western Australia, from Geraldton on the west coast to Esperance on the south coast.

What does boori mean in Aboriginal?

'Buray' means baby/child in the Dhurga language and is pronounced boori. For the purposes of this book we will use the word boori for baby and child as this spelling is more commonly understood and accepted by the coastal Aboriginal communities.

What is butana?

The Butana (Arabic: البطانة, Buṭāna), historically called the Island of Meroë, is the region between the Atbara and the Nile in the Sudan. South of Khartoum it is bordered by the Blue Nile and in the east by Lake Tana in Ethiopia.

What is a goomba in Italian?

1 informal : a close friend or associate —used especially among Italian-American men. 2 informal + disparaging : a member of a secret chiefly Italian-American crime organization : mafioso broadly : gangster. 3 informal, often disparaging + offensive : an Italian American.

What does Stunad mean in Italian?

New Word Suggestion. [Italian slang] a stupid person.

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