What does sprone mean in italian?

Domanda di: Sirio Piras  |  Ultimo aggiornamento: 29 dicembre 2021
Valutazione: 4.1/5 (73 voti)

noun. spur [noun] a small instrument with a sharp point or points that a rider wears on his heels and digs into the horse's sides to make it go faster. spur [noun] anything that urges a person to make greater efforts.

What does ghiro mean in Italian?

[ˈɡiro] masculine noun. dormouse. dormire come un ghiro to sleep like a log or top.

What does Porcello mean in Italian?

Italian: nickname from porcello 'piglet' (a diminutive of porco 'hog').

What does costina mean in Italian?

noun. [ feminine ] /kos'tina/ (taglio di carte) spare rib.

What does Bora mean in Italian?

noun. [ feminine ] /'bɔra/ (vento) bora , a strong, cold, dry northeast wind blowing in the upper Adriatic.

32. Learn Italian Beginners (A1): Adverbs of frequency (sempre, spesso, qualche volta, mai)

Trovate 31 domande correlate

What is a Bora slang?

Bora is short for Embora. Brazilians use this word when they want to rush or to encourage someone to go to a place. In Portuguese, it's used to ask and answer a question and it's also used in the Imperative.

What does Bora Bora mean in English?

The island's name—the Tahitian spelling of which is Porapora—means “First Born”; according to tradition, it was the first island created after Raiatea. Bora-Bora was sighted by Dutch admiral Jacob Roggeveen in 1722, visited by Capt. James Cook in 1769 and 1777, and annexed by France in the late 19th century.

What is Porchello?

/a [porˈtʃɛllo] masculine noun. (Zoology) piglet. masculine noun/feminine noun.

What does boora boora mean?

Bora Bora in British English

(ˈbɔːrə ˈbɔːrə ) an island in the S Pacific, in French Polynesia, in the Society Islands: one of the Leeward Islands.

What is the meaning of Pora?

PORA!, meaning IT'S TIME! in Ukrainian, is a civic youth organization and political party in Ukraine espousing nonviolent resistance and advocating increased national democracy.

What is Poora?

Punjabi poora or pooda recipe or pua are sweet Pancakes made with whole wheat flour, fennel seeds, sugar (or jaggery) and oil or ghee. ... There are two ways to make poora. It can be deep-fried like pakoras or made like pancakes on a flat griddle or skillet or tawa.

What is the meaning of Cabas?

: a woman's workbasket or handbag.

What is a Bora knife?

Bora, borer – knife. Box – prison. Boxed, boxed in, boxed up – imprisoned. Bozz – leader. – excellent.

What does Bola mean?

Definition of bola

: a cord with weights attached to the ends for throwing at and entangling an animal.

What is a Cunch spot?

Cunch – Country. Used to denote going to a. faraway area in order to sell. drugs (county lines).

What do Roadmen call their friends?

'Mandem' is commonly used by males to describe their group of friends. Your crew is your mandem.

What does corn mean in slang?

verb (used with object), corn·holed, corn·hol·ing. Slang: Vulgar. to have anal intercourse with.

What is the same meaning of complete?

entire, exhaustive, full, outright, thorough, perfect, sweeping, positive, total, unconditional, accomplish, achieve, close, conclude, determine, develop, do, end, execute, finalize.

What is Poora app?

Pooraa brings to you a simple and easy-to-use system that helps you manage your Sales, Orders, Distribution, Customers, Inventory, Billing and Shipping better while offering a world-class ordering exp... Read More. It makes your team more productive, save money and reduce people dependence.

What is a stronger word for complete?

adjective. total, absolute, consummate, outright, perfect, thorough, thoroughgoing, utter. finished, accomplished, achieved, concluded, ended. entire, all, faultless, full, intact, plenary, unbroken, whole.

Is there a word completes?

finished; ended; concluded: a complete orbit.

What is corn slang for drugs?

corn – marijuana. cryptnie – marijuana. dank – lacing marijuana cigarettes with formaldehyde. dips – marijuana joints dipped in PCP.

What is a drilling slang?

A form of sexual slang – Since the 1600s, Drill has been defined as a way of describing the way in which two people have sex. A very visual description that I don't think needs much more explanation… Slang to describe the act of shooting – Come the 1700s and the word 'Drill' was also used to describe shooting.

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