What is antagonist in english?

Domanda di: Sebastian Vitali  |  Ultimo aggiornamento: 9 gennaio 2022
Valutazione: 5/5 (35 voti)

antagonist noun [C] (PERSON)
a person who is strongly opposed to something or someone: The antagonists in this dispute are quite unwilling to compromise. He sued several of his antagonists for libel.

What are examples of antagonists?

Examples of Antagonist:
  • Darth Vadar is the main antagonist of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars.
  • Mr. ...
  • The wolf is the antagonist in "The Three Little Pigs."
  • MacDuff is an antagonist of Macbeth in Macbeth.
  • In Dr. ...
  • In the movie Aladdin, Jafar is the antagonist.

What are the synonyms for antagonist?

synonyms for antagonist
  • adversary.
  • enemy.
  • foe.
  • bandit.
  • competitor.
  • contender.
  • match.
  • opponent.

What is antagonistic action?

The ability of a drug or a muscle to oppose or resist the action or effect of another drug or muscle; opposite of synergistic action.

What does antagonistic mean in science?

Definition. (1) (physiology) The result of the interaction between structures, chemical agents, or diseases that have opposing physiological functions or effects. (2) (biochemistry) The reduced overall effect due to the opposing effects of different chemical groups or agents.

What is ANTAGONIST? What does ANTAGONIST mean? ANTAGONIST meaning, definition & explanation

Trovate 29 domande correlate

What is antagonist and protagonist?

Show Transcript welcome to protagonist and antagonist the protagonist is frequently known as the hero of the story while the antagonist is the villain the pro Agonist and the antagonist tend to be in conflict with one another the protagonist is the central character in a story this character is often referred to as the ...

Who is an antagonistic person?

a person who is opposed to, struggles against, or competes with another; opponent; adversary. the adversary of the hero or protagonist of a drama or other literary work: Iago is the antagonist of Othello.

What does it mean when you antagonize someone?

: to cause (someone) to feel hostile or angry : to irritate or upset (someone) See the full definition for antagonize in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What is antagonism in IH and chemicals?

In chemistry, antagonism is a phenomenon wherein two or more agents in combination have an overall effect that is less than the sum of their individual effects. ...

What is antagonist effect?

Definition: A biologic response to exposure to multiple substances that is less than would be expected if the known effects of the individual substances were added together.

What is an agonist person?

noun. a person engaged in a contest, conflict, struggle, etc., especially the protagonist in a literary work. a person who is torn by inner conflict. Physiology. a contracting muscle whose action is opposed by another muscle.

What is opposite of villain?

Opposite of an unkind, evil or unscrupulous person. hero. heroine. saviorUS.

What is a better word for evil?


1 sinful, iniquitous, depraved, vicious, corrupt, base, vile, nefarious. 2 pernicious, destructive. 6 wickedness, depravity, iniquity, unrighteousness, corruption, baseness. 9 disaster, calamity, woe, misery, suffering, sorrow.

What is antagonist in a story?

antagonist, in literature, the principal opponent or foil of the main character, who is referred to as the protagonist, in a drama or narrative. The word is from the Greek antagnistḗs, “opponent or rival.”

Can an antagonist be a hero?

A Hero Antagonist is a character who is an antagonist (that is, they oppose The Protagonist), yet is still technically a hero. ... They could also be completely correct in their assertions simply because the main character is a Villain Protagonist.

What is protagonist example?

Protagonist is defined as the main character of a story. An example of protagonist is Alice in the story, Alice in Wonderland.

What is antagonism in psychology?

Antagonism, the low pole of Agreeableness, references traits related to immorality, combativeness, grandiosity, callousness, and distrustfulness. It is a robust correlate of externalizing behaviors such as antisocial behavior, aggression, and substance use; in fact, in many cases, it is the strongest trait correlate.

What are antagonistic drugs?

An interaction between two or more drugs that have opposite effects on the body. Drug antagonism may block or reduce the effectiveness of one or more of the drugs.

What is antagonist in chemistry class 12?

Drugs that bind to the receptor site and inhibit its natural function are called antagonists. These are useful when blocking of message is required.

What makes someone antagonistic?

The antagonism-agreeableness dimension has a lot of predictive value in the real world (not just in the scientific laboratory). Antagonistic people are more likely to respond aggressively and retaliate when treated unfairly by others (although they tend to care much less about whether others are treated unfairly).

What is an antagonistic relationship?

In nature, the ecosystemic relations in which one organism benefits by causing harm to another are called “antagonistic relationships.” Antagonistic relationships arise because organisms have conflicting interests.

How do you ignore an antagonist?

Ignore them, all they are looking for is attention do not give it to them. Walk away from them, they only want you to feel as bad as they do deep down. Do not entertain them, it makes no sense all it will do is work you up. Tell a teacher or principal they may be able to make it stop.

Are antagonists always bad?

An antagonist doesn't have to be a “bad guy.” Sometimes, they're just a character whose goals are in direct conflict with the protagonist's, like Mr. Darcy in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice or Javert working to arrest Valjean in Victor Hugo's Les Miserables.

Is antagonist good or bad?

In storytelling, the antagonist is the opposer or combatant working against the protagonist or leading character and creating the main conflict. ... In conventional narratives, the antagonist is synonymous with the “bad guy,” while the protagonist represents the “good guy.”

Can an antagonist be good?

An "antagonist" doesn't have to be a bad guy. He could be a very good guy. All he has to do is to stand in the way of your hero, sometime for the noblest of motives.

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