Where do trenches form?

Domanda di: Alighiero De Santis  |  Ultimo aggiornamento: 7 marzo 2022
Valutazione: 4.3/5 (52 voti)

deep-sea trench. deep-sea trench, also called oceanic trench, any long, narrow, steep-sided depression in the ocean bottom in which occur the maximum oceanic depths, approximately 7,300 to more than 11,000 metres (24,000 to 36,000 feet). They typically form in locations where one tectonic plate subducts under another.

Where do trenches and ridges form?

Trench: very deep, elongated cavity bordering a continent or an island arc; it forms when one tectonic plate slides beneath another. Ridge: underwater mountain range that criss-crosses the oceans and is formed by rising magma in a zone where two plates are moving apart.

Does Japan have an ocean trench?

Japan Trench, deep submarine trench lying east of the Japanese islands, in the floor of the western North Pacific Ocean.

What is the relationship between deep oceanic trenches and the subduction zones?

Formation of an Ocean Trench

In subduction, one tectonic plate (a large portion of the Earth's crust) slides under another. The plate that is slipping under the other plate bends and forms an ocean trench. The subduction zones where ocean trenches form become long, deep valleys - very deep valleys!

When did the Ryukyu Trench form?

According to the kinematic restoration of SE Asia of Hall (2002), subduction along the Ryukyu trench started at ~25 Ma, whereas in the reconstruction of Wu et al. 2016, subduction started at ~15 Ma.

Ocean Floor Features

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Where is Java Trench located?

The Java Trench, also known as the Sunda Trench, is located south and west of the islands of Java and Sumatra in the eastern Indian Ocean, and is in excess of 3200 km in length.

Where is Ryukyu Trench located?

Ryukyu Trench, also called Nansei-Shotō Trench, deep ocean trench running north along the eastern edge of the Ryukyu Islands (Japan) in the Philippine Sea, between Taiwan and the Japanese archipelago. The Ryukyu Trench reaches a maximum depth of 24,629 feet (7,507 m) about 60 miles (90 km) south of Okinawa.

How are trench formed?

In particular, ocean trenches are a feature of convergent plate boundaries, where two or more tectonic plates meet. At many convergent plate boundaries, dense lithosphere melts or slides beneath less-dense lithosphere in a process called subduction, creating a trench.

How does Philippine trench formed?

The trench formed from a collision between the Palawan and Zamboanga plates. This caused a change in geological processes going from a convergent zone to a subduction zone. The subduction zone is located west to east of the Philippine Islands. ... It hit the trench with a hypocenter depth of 34.9 km.

How was Marianas Trench formed?

The Mariana Trench was formed through a process called subduction. Earth's crust is made up of comparably thin plates that “float” on the molten rock of the planet's mantle. ... This movement creates a trench where the descending oceanic plate drags down the edge of the overriding plate.

How deep is Puerto Rico Trench?

According to NOAA: The deepest part of the Puerto Rico Trench is just over 8,600 meters (5.3 miles).

How was the Japanese trench formed?

This trench is created as the oceanic Pacific plate subducts beneath the continental Okhotsk Plate (a microplate formerly a part of the North American Plate). The subduction process causes bending of the down going plate, creating a deep trench.

How deep is the Mariana Trench?

It is 11,034 meters (36,201 feet) deep, which is almost 7 miles. Tell students that if you placed Mount Everest at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the peak would still be 2,133 meters (7,000 feet) below sea level. Show students NOAA's Mariana Trench animation.

What will be formed in Ridge trench?

Explanation: Volcanism and formation of new oceanic crust may occur along divergent or leaky transform faults. Transform faults can also occur between two subduction zones (trench-trench or arc-arc transforms) or between a spreading center and a subduction zone (ridge-trench or ridge-arc arc transform).

Are there trenches in mid-ocean ridge?

Explanation: Mid-ocean ridges are areas of rifting where two tectonic plates are diverging from one another. ... Deep-ocean trenches are formed at convergent plate boundaries where the more dense plate (usually the oceanic) subducts under the less dense (usually continental).

What forms of convergent boundary is evident in the formation of mountain ranges and trenches?

If two tectonic plates collide, they form a convergent plate boundary. Usually, one of the converging plates will move beneath the other, a process known as subduction. Deep trenches are features often formed where tectonic plates are being subducted and earthquakes are common.

Where is Philippine Trench?

Philippine Trench, also called Philippine Deep, Mindanao Trench, or Mindanao Deep, submarine trench in the floor of the Philippine Sea of the western North Pacific Ocean bordering the east coast of the island of Mindanao.

How are Philippine plates formed?

It results from the subduction of Eurasian Plate beneath the Philippine Mobile Belt along the Manila Trench since early Miocene. The age of volcanoes young towards the south from Taiwan. Subduction started in Taiwan 16 million years ago, but there were still young volcanoes which are dated up to quaternary in Mindanao.

How the Philippine island arc was formed?

Many of the thousands of islands which make up the Philippines are classified as island arcs which were formed as a result of subduction after the collision of the three plates (the Eurasian Plate, the Philippine Sea Plate, and the Indo-Australian Plate).

What are trenches?

A trench is a type of excavation or depression in the ground that is generally deeper than it is wide (as opposed to a wider gully, or ditch), and narrow compared with its length (as opposed to a simple hole or pit). In geology, trenches result from erosion by rivers or by geological movement of tectonic plates.

What are trenches in geography?

A long narrow and steep-sided depression on the ocean floor is called a trench. ... They are deepest parts of the ocean floor and usually 5500 metres deep. The trenches are formed due to tectonic forces—either by down faulting or by done folding.

How are ocean trenches formed quizlet?

Ocean trenches are deep sections of the ocean where an oceanic plate is usually sinking below a continental plate. ... They are formed in the subduction zone as the denser oceanic plate is subjected under the continental plate.

How did the Kuril trench form?

The trench formed as a result of the subduction zone, which formed in the late Cretaceous, that created the Kuril island arc as well as the Kamchatka volcanic arc. The Pacific Plate is being subducted beneath the Okhotsk Plate along the trench, resulting in intense volcanism.

Where is the Kermadec Trench located?

Kermadec Trench, submarine trench in the floor of the South Pacific Ocean, about 750 mi (1,200 km) in length, forming the eastern boundary of the Kermadec Ridge. The two together comprise the southern half of the Tonga–Kermadec Arc, a structural feature completed to the north by the Tonga Trench and Ridge.

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