Who is tiresias in antigone?

Domanda di: Olimpia Ferrari  |  Ultimo aggiornamento: 11 gennaio 2022
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Tiresias, a blind soothsayer, says that to save Thebes the only way is to sacrifice Creon's son, Meneceus, who accepts the response and kills himself. Eteocles and Polynice face off in a duel, giving each other death. On their corpses, the mother Jocasta commits suicide.

Who is Tiresias in the play Antigone?

The blind prophet, or seer, who warns Creon not to execute Antigone and not to stick so rigidly to his decision to disallow the burial of Polynices. When Creon insults Tiresias, the seer prophesies that the gods will punish Creon for Antigone's death by taking the life of his child.

What is the conflict between Creon and Tiresias in Antigone?

The conflict between the king and the prophet echoes the conflict between Creon and Antigone. Once again we see the laws of man butting heads with the ancient laws of the gods. When Creon refuses to give in, Teiresias drops the knowledge that Creon's own family will die as a result of his blasphemous actions.

Who is Tiresias led by?

Does Sophocles present Tiresias as a trust worthy character? hes led by a boy because hes blind. creon doesnt trust him. he does present him as a trust worthy person.

Who does Antigone represent?

Antigone and Creon act as symbols of honoring the gods versus honoring man. Antigone will not turn away from the gods, while Creon insists that you must obey the laws of man. Teiresias also acts as a symbol of the will of the gods.


Trovate 29 domande correlate

Where is Tiresias?

Tiresias appears in Dante's Divine Comedy and is listed among the soothsayers in the Fourth Bolgia of the Eighth Circle of lower hell where augurs are punished by having their heads turned backwards; since they claimed to see the future in life, in the afterlife they are denied any forward vision.

Who is the leader in Antigone?

Role Of Authority In Antigone

Creon orders her to be put to death, a reasonable punishment in order to protect his government, because as a leader, he'll do anything to prevent anarchy, including punishing family. As a new king, Creon wanted to establish his power clearly and efficiently.…

Who is Tiresias in Odysseus?

Tiresias. A Theban prophet who inhabits the underworld. Tiresias meets Odysseus when Odysseus journeys to the underworld in Book 11 . He shows Odysseus how to get back to Ithaca and allows Odysseus to communicate with the other souls in Hades.

What is the role of Tiresias the prophet?

He gives Odysseus good advice, which is then ignored. The role of Tiresias the prophet in Antigone is to be the rather reluctant mouthpiece of the gods. He speaks to Creon, fully aware of the response he will get from the king.

Why did Tiresias help Odysseus?

In The Odyssey Odysseus is warned by the blind prophet Tiresias that all of the sacred cattle of the Sun God Helios should be left alone. ... He also tells Odysseus that when he returns home he will find suitors eating his food and courting his wife. He is told that he must send these men away or kill them.

What is Tiresias prophecy to Odysseus?

Tiresias is a famous blind seer of Apollo. He gives a prophecy to Odysseus about his further journey and its end. The seer says that Odysseus' voyage home will be full of difficulties and hardships. He warns him about the grazing herds of Helios on Thrinakia.

How did Tiresias help Creon?

A boy leads in Tiresias, the blind soothsayer of Thebes. Creon swears that he will obey whatever advice Tiresias gives him, since he owes so much to his past advice. Tiresias tells him that his refusal to bury Polynices and his punishment of Antigone for the burial will bring the curses of the gods down on Thebes.

What are Tiresias character traits?

His speech may be barbed, his message horrifying, but Tiresias' dedication to the truth is uncompromising. For his suffering, his piety, and his devotion to prophetic truth, Tiresias emerges as a powerful — even admirable — character in the Oedipus Trilogy.

Who is Tiresias in The Waste Land?

In this part of the Fire Sermon, Tiresias is the narrator. He was an ancient Greek prophet who got punished by Hera for separated two snakes copulating. He was turned into a woman for seven years.

What is the role of Tiresias in Antigone Brainly?

Answer: Teirsais, a blind prophet who warns Creon that the gods do not approve of his trestment of Polyneices body or the punishment of Antigone.

What was Tiresias power?

Zeus, in thanks for his support, gave him the gifts of prophecy and longevity. Another version has it that Tiresias was blinded by Athena after he saw her bathing. Chariclo begged her to help him, so Athena, instead of restoring his ability to see the physical world, gave him the ability to see the future.

What was Tiresias prophecy to Oedipus?

Provoked by the anger and insults of Oedipus, Tiresias begins to hint at his knowledge. Finally, when Oedipus furiously accuses Tiresias of the murder, Tiresias tells Oedipus that Oedipus himself is the curse. Oedipus dares Tiresias to say it again, and so Tiresias calls Oedipus the murderer.

What archetype is Tiresias in the Odyssey?

Tiresias, blind man in the underworld. Can be compared with or a symbol of Homer. Also Mentes. The Land of the Dead (Underworld), where Odysseus meets Tiresias for advice, is full of lost souls and ghostly features.

Who is Aeolus in the Odyssey?

Aeolus, in the works of Homer, controller of the winds and ruler of the floating island of Aeolia. Because his children met no one outside their own family, Aeolus allowed them to mate with one another, to the relief of Canace and Macareus, who were already lovers.

WHO adopted Oedipus?

A shepherd took pity on the infant, who was adopted by King Polybus of Corinth and his wife and was brought up as their son. In early manhood Oedipus visited Delphi and upon learning that he was fated to kill his father and marry his mother, he resolved never to return to Corinth.

Who is the most important character in Antigone?

Creon is the king of the Thebes. That means that he is the most powerful person in the play Antigone. In the play Antigone, Creon has the most power because he is the king of the Thebes, many people respect him, and he has devoted himself to the order of the kingdom.

Who is Oedipus uncle?

At first glance, Creon does not seem like the most important character in Sophocles' Oedipus Rex. He is the brother of Jocasta (and therefore both Oedipus' uncle and his brother-in-law), so he is close to the action; however, the action is not centered around him.

How are Tiresias and Persephone connected?

Tiresias honestly answered that the female gets the most pleasure, and an angry Hera struck him blind. ... At his death, Persephone permitted Tiresias to keep his memory and mind, which Tiresias used from the underworld to advise Odysseus about how to get back home in The Odyssey.

What is Teiresias affliction?

what physical affliction does Tiresias have. he is blind. who says," i will never reveal my dreadful secrets , or rather yours.

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