What is a camiceria?

Domanda di: Maggiore Caputo  |  Ultimo aggiornamento: 28 dicembre 2021
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Tradotto dall'inglese-

What is Camica?

noun. shirt [noun] a kind of garment worn on the upper part of the body.

What does camissa mean in Spanish?

Translations. camisa Noun. camisa, la ~ (f) (camisetablusa) shirt, the ~ Noun. blouse, the ~ Noun.

How do you say t shirt in Peruvian?

Over in Bolivia and Chile, they will call it Polera. Then in Peru, it is known as Polo. On the island of Cuba, it is called Pulóver. Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay use the word Remera.

What does dress mean in Italian?

volume_up. dr.ssa {f} doctor.


Trovate 42 domande correlate

Is Televisione masculine or feminine in Italian?

The noun "televisione" (television) is feminine. The plural form of ALL nouns (feminine or masculine) ending with "E" ends with "I". Italian nouns and adjectives can be masculine and feminine, singular and plural.

How do you pronounce camicia?

Phonetic spelling of camicia
  1. Cam-i-cia.
  2. cam-i-ci-a. Niko Thiel.
  3. Cam-icia. kabelo Makhubela.

How do you say female student in Italian?

female student [example]

studentessa [ex.]

Is carne in Italian masculine or feminine?

Most Italian nouns ending in -o are masculine (e.g. ragazzo, albergo, vino). Most Italian nouns ending in -a are feminine (e.g. penna, signora, scuola). Nouns ending in -e are in some cases masculine (e.g. amore, sole, signore) and in other cases feminine (e.g. automobile, stazione, carne).

How do you tell if an Italian word is masculine or feminine?

Usually the gender of the noun can be identified by the ending. For example, if the noun ends in -o it's generally masculine, and if the noun ends in -a, it is generally feminine. In the plural, nouns ending in -i are generally masculine, and nouns ending in -e are feminine.

What does Dott SSA mean?

written abbreviation. Dr [written abbreviation] short for doctor; (used with names) (Translation of dott.ssa from the PASSWORD Italian–English Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd)

What is Dr SSA?

ssa abbreviation of Dottoressa. Dott.ssa. Dr. title given to medical doctors and to all university graduates.

What does doctore mean in Italian?

/essa [dotˈtore ] masculine noun/feminine noun. medico) doctor.

How do you abbreviate Dottoressa?

ssa f (masculine Dott.) Abbreviation of dottoressa (“Dr (female)”).

Why is Montalbano called Dottore?

In Donna Leon's novels, the detective's superior (boss) is also called "dottore", as is the manager of a municipal government department (engineer by profession) in one particular novel. In some cases, it is written dottor.

What is the plural of Uomo in Italian?

Note that the plural of uomo (meaning man) is uomini. The plural of la mano (meaning hand) is le mani. All nouns ending in –ca and –ga add an h before the plural ending.

Why is hand feminine in Italian?

La mano, le mani (the hand, the hands). Having the typical masculine ending of o and i 'hand' looks like a masculine word, but is in fact feminine, therefore we say la mano destra (the right hand), and Giovanni ha le mani piccole (Giovanni has small hands). Attached to the hand there are le dita.

Why is Apple feminine in Italian?

The Italian word for apple is mela (feminine, plural: mele) and the tree upon which they grow is called melo.

Why is Tiger feminine in Italian?

The word for tiger in Italian is the feminine noun tigre (plural: tigri) which derives from the Latin tigris. It remains feminine regardless of whether you are talking about a male tiger (una tigre maschio) or a female tiger (una tigre femmina).

Why is La Carne not El carne?

b. la carne … Masculine adjectives are used with masculine nouns: Tomás es simpático. The same for any noun: “el” is for masculine nouns and “la” is for feminine nouns.

What is Asada in English?

Carne asada, which in English means "grilled meat," is beef. For this Mexican dish, one-inch-thick steaks are marinated in lime juice and seasonings, grilled, and then cut into thin strips. Carne asada is either served as a main course typically with rice and beans, or used as a filling for tacos or burritos.

What is the meaning of Bebidas?

British English: drink /drɪŋk/ NOUN. A drink is an amount of a liquid which you drink. I'll get you a drink of water. American English: drink /ˈdrɪŋk/

What is Almuerzo?

: the first substantial meal of the day taken usually just before noon.

What is a Mexican drink?

Top 11 Drinks to Try in Mexico
  • Tequila. Of all the popular shots in Mexico, tequila is the most famous, and it's found behind bars all over the world. ...
  • Mezcal. Mezcal is tequila's smoky cousin. ...
  • Raicilla. ...
  • Margarita. ...
  • Paloma. ...
  • Carajillo. ...
  • Craft Beers. ...
  • Michelada.

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